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Boreskov Institute of Catalysis was founded in 1958 as a part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The founder and the first Director of the Institute till 1984 was academician Georgii Konstantinovich Boreskov.




One of the main activity areas of the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is fundamental investigations in catalytic science to discover new principles of chemical reactions and to create innovative catalytic compositions and technologies.



Boreskov Institute of Catalysis pays great attention to the training of young scientists. Each year more than 100 students and post-graduates are being trained at its research and educational facilities. The Institute collaborates with many educational organizations, including:



For more than half a century, the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is at a cutting edge of innovative R&D for chemical and petrochemical industries, energy power, environmental protection.

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When will the Gas Flares Leave Taiga?

30 January 2016

Every year the oil-production companies in Russia burn nearly 15 billion of m3 of the associated petroleum gas (APG) that is liberated in hydrocarbon production. This not only compromises the environment but also results in a loss of profits. Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS has created a facility to process and use APG immediately at the fields.

The technology of soft steam reforming (SSR) and catalysts of BIC help to process propane, butane and ethane contained in APG into methane and then use for various needs, for instance, to feed the power supply plants without losing its efficiency and thus produce the electric power right at the fields. It could save a great amount of resources when laying the pipes in thick taiga or swamps. In addition, the methane obtained from APG can be transported via the pipelines into the storages, since after processing it turns into commercial n

The scientists tested the technology in 2011. The first prototypes of the facilities could process about 20 m3 of APG in hour, and later this parameter was elevated in tens of times. In order to accelerate the commercialization of the technology Institute of Catalysis established the 100% subsidiary company named “BI Technology”, the introduction of the method being supported also by the Russian Foundation for Technology Development.

Science in Siberia/Nauka v Sibiri

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