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Boreskov Institute of Catalysis was founded in 1958 as a part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The founder and the first Director of the Institute till 1984 was academician Georgii Konstantinovich Boreskov.




One of the main activity areas of the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is fundamental investigations in catalytic science to discover new principles of chemical reactions and to create innovative catalytic compositions and technologies.



Boreskov Institute of Catalysis pays great attention to the training of young scientists. Each year more than 100 students and post-graduates are being trained at its research and educational facilities. The Institute collaborates with many educational organizations, including:



For more than half a century, the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is at a cutting edge of innovative R&D for chemical and petrochemical industries, energy power, environmental protection.

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Vesti Novosibirsk. New Catalytic Processes of Deep Processing of Hydrocarbon Materials and Biomass Developed by Scientists of Boreskov Institute of Catalysis

25 March 2021

The federal government intends to attract new investors to the field of deep oil processing. It can be achieved with the help of new mechanism of investment protection. The decree on that has been published on web-site of the government. In their turn, Novosibirsk chemists develop technologies designed to improve the processes of deep oil processing. They won a grant of the Russian Scientific Foundation for the research.

We are used to see starch among the ingredients of mayonnaise or ketchup. But we are not used to utilize it as biomass for obtaining more valuable products, for example, formic acid. The researchers engage metal-based solid catalysts into the reaction. The catalysts can be used repeatedly saving resources.

“We are safe to say that we are the first in the world who managed to use such catalysts in this process”, says Dr. Nikolay Gromov, senior researcher of Boreskov Institute of Catalysis.

Formic acid is a promising material to be used in various industries. For example, in agriculture it can help in preserving the forage. It can produce hydrogen, an environmentally friendly fuel. Also formic acid can be used in processing the heavy oil fractions, for instance, tar.

Tar is a heavy and viscous residue of oil processing. It is used to patch holes in the roads. But it is possible to raise its value manifold. With the use of their catalysts the chemists produce gasoline and diesel from tar. Nobody has done it before.

“Tar is hydrogen-poor. We want formic acid to break down to hydrogen and carbon dioxide, and then hydrogen to hydrate tar”, explained Dr. Vladimir Chesnokov, leading researcher of Boreskov Institute of Catalysis.

So far the yield of fuel fractions is 50%. The task is to raise the bar as high as possible. The work of the scientists within the grant is a step forward to the environmentally friendly energetics, which is growing in demand.

“I always quote Zhores Alferov, ‘When they say that there is fundamental science and applied science, it’s not true. All science is applied, only some results are used at once, and some, after 20-30-40 years’”, noted Academician Valentin Parmon, Chair of Siberian Branch of RAS, Academic Advisor of Boreskov Institute of Catalysis.

Maybe we won’t have to wait this long. The ecological trend could encourage the industry to collaborate with the scientists more actively.

Source: Vesti Novosibirsk

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