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Boreskov Institute of Catalysis was founded in 1958 as a part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The founder and the first Director of the Institute till 1984 was academician Georgii Konstantinovich Boreskov.




One of the main activity areas of the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is fundamental investigations in catalytic science to discover new principles of chemical reactions and to create innovative catalytic compositions and technologies.



Boreskov Institute of Catalysis pays great attention to the training of young scientists. Each year more than 100 students and post-graduates are being trained at its research and educational facilities. The Institute collaborates with many educational organizations, including:



For more than half a century, the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is at a cutting edge of innovative R&D for chemical and petrochemical industries, energy power, environmental protection.

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Boreskov Institute of Catalysis Establishes NTI Competence Center on Hydrogen Technologies

24 November 2021

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation announced the winners of the state-supported grants for the competence centers of the National Technological Initiative (NTI) based at universities and scientific organizations. Boreskov Institute of Catalysis opens the NTI competence center on hydrogen technologies.

Five projects out of 19 that passed expert review won in the Ministry’s competition of 2021 in the following areas: molecular engineering in the life sciences; bionic engineering in medicine; hydrogen technologies; technologies of trusted interaction; technologies of modeling and development of new functional materials with targeted properties. These competence centers start their operation in 2022. Within the National Project “Nauka i Universitety” (Science and Universities) each project will receive up to 650 mln rubles in five years.

The grants are allotted to the universities and scientific organizations working in the key scientific and technological areas the development of which would provide a groundbreaking change of the situation at the existing markets of technologies, products and services or would promote the forming of new markets. The winners were chosen on the grounds of the estimate of the scientific and technological potential in the field of the end-to-end technologies, experience in managing the intellectual property rights, significance of the scientific and technological problems and prospects of their commercialization as well as the potential of the consortium participants and economic model of the center’s activity.

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis opens the NTI competence center named “Hydrogen as the Basis for Low-Carbon Economy”. It will be led by the head of Department of Heterogeneous Catalysis BIC, Dr. Pavel Snytnikov. The center’s work will embrace all basic areas related to the possible use of hydrogen: obtaining, storage and transporting of hydrogen, its utilization in industrial processes, development and improvement of the technologies of hydrogen transport, energetics and safety.

“The emphasis in the center’s work will be made on the development of technologies of obtaining hydrogen with low carbon footprint, and the key projects will include the projects on making the hydrogen filling stations, autonomous power plants based on solid oxide fuel cells, and technologies of large-tonnage obtaining and storage of hydrogen”, says Pavel Snytnikov..

“Development of the competences that would allow making the high-end technologies, in particular, hydrogen ones, is an essential term of the sustainable growth of the today’s high-tech society”, comments Dr. Oleg Martyanov, BIC Deputy Director in Science. “By developing the high-end technologies that would help to use the resources both sparingly and efficiently, we make an industrial cycle that provides higher productivity as well as the economic stability and independence of the country and that allows transition to high-tech mentality from the raw-material based one. The global tendency of transition to the high-end resource-saving technologies is evident, and we must stay in the leading group and have our own technologies for any applications”.

The program of the Center “Hydrogen as the Basis for Low Carbon Economy” is aimed at the technological realization of the projects, the complex execution of which would provide the use of hydrogen as an environmentally friendly energy carrier in industry, transport and households. The elimination of carbon emission into the environment will be reached, in particular, by the technologies of processing the vegetable raw materials, development of technologies for capturing CO2 and its further use for obtaining valuable chemical products and promising materials. All this will promote the evolutional and rational increase in the share of renewable energy resources in the energy system of Russia as well as the retaining of the leading position of the country at the global scientific and technological arena in terms of development and introduction of a wide range of basic and critical technologies.

Opening of the NTI centers suggests establishing of consortiums uniting the competences and capacities of scientific, educational, and industrial organizations. The NTI competence center “Hydrogen Technologies” joins the efforts of more than 30 scientific, educational, engineering and manufacturing organizations, including Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, OOO “Gazpromneft – Promyshlennye innovatsii”, PAO “Tatneft”, OOO “InEnergy”, AO “Nauka i Innovatsii” (Rosatom Corporation), OOO “Tsentr vodorodnykh tekhnologiy” (AFK “Sistema”), etc.

“Importance of joining efforts of the academic institutes, educational organizations and industrial partners is due to the diverse competences, all of which are important for realization of the project. This supposes a rather complex organization of interaction, but it is an essential requisite, since the competences of all participants of the consortium are complementary”, says Oleg Martyanov. “Our industrial partners are quite positive about developing the domestic high-end technologies. These are the companies that want and can advance in the development of really working technologies, and they understand that this path starts from R&D. A huge role in this is played by scientific as well as educational organizations that train the specialists, in particular, for the high-tech companies”.

“For the developed technologies to be involved in industry in a few years it is necessary to begin training of the specialists with required competences, as well as to give additional training to already working employees and to inform the society about the advantages of the developed high-tech production and technologies. That’s why a significant part of the center’s work will be dedicated to education as well as to the work on involvement of new partners from both scientific and educational organizations and new industrial partners”, summarizes Pavel Snytnikov.

One more organization from Novosibirsk won the competition in 2021, it is Novosibirsk State University that will open the NTI Center “Technologies of Modeling and Development of Functional Materials with Targeted Properties”. The Center will develop a wide range of new materials, in particular, with the use of digital methods.

Information. The Program of state support of the NTI competence centers started in 2017. The centers conduct the research and educational activities in consortiums with the largest technological companies and scientific organizations as a platform for the development of cooperation between the university, scientific, and business-communities for surmounting the technological barriers and strengthening the positions of the Russian companies at the NTI global markets.

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