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Boreskov Institute of Catalysis was founded in 1958 as a part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The founder and the first Director of the Institute till 1984 was academician Georgii Konstantinovich Boreskov.




One of the main activity areas of the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is fundamental investigations in catalytic science to discover new principles of chemical reactions and to create innovative catalytic compositions and technologies.



Boreskov Institute of Catalysis pays great attention to the training of young scientists. Each year more than 100 students and post-graduates are being trained at its research and educational facilities. The Institute collaborates with many educational organizations, including:



For more than half a century, the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is at a cutting edge of innovative R&D for chemical and petrochemical industries, energy power, environmental protection.

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Affirmative Conclusion Received for SRF “SKIF” Project

20 December 2021

The Central Design and Technology Institute (AO “TSPTI”, affiliated with “TVEL”, the fuel company of Rosatom State Corporation) received the affirmative conclusion of RF State Expert Evaluation Department (Glavgosexpertiza of Russia) on the design specifications and results of engineering surveying for the Shared Research Facility “Siberian Circular Photon Source” (SRF “SKIF”). Also the reliability of determination of the estimate cost of the object was confirmed within the state expertise of design specifications and estimates.

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis is the Developer and State Customer of the mega-science project.

“Receiving the affirmative conclusion of Glavgosexpertiza for our project is a serious step forward. Preparation of the documentation for this conclusion is a great joint labor of a number of organizations and institutions, including Ministry of Science and Higher Educationof Russia and Rosatom State Corporation, and first of all the General Designer, AO “TSPTI”, affiliated with “TVEL” of Rosatom SC. Since “SKIF” is an immensely complex object unique in its parameters, the significance and uniqueness of the experience of its designing can hardly be overestimated. We are very happy that we made still another important step toward making SRF “SKIF”, the mega-science object of new generation. This is a hard path, and we need to pass it very quickly – the source of synchrotron radiation must be constructed by the end of 2023, and the studies at the first six beamlines start as early as in 2025. This is an unprecedented challenge. We will face many difficulties, and the serious work continues right now. But the designing of the object as the foundation for the whole future “SKIF” is the basis that TSPTI established on which the future of the Russian science will be built”, noted Academician Valerii Bukhtiyarov, Director of Boreskov Institute of Catalysis.

According to the state contract terms AO “TSPTI” made the design specifications for 27 buildings and facilities of SRF “SKIF” with overall area of 86800 square meters and total structural volume of 647000 cubic meters including the main buildings of the accelerating-accumulating complex – the building of injector, accumulator, and the beamlines. Within the project AO “TSPTI” developed the building information model (BIM-model). This model will support the whole life cycle of the object, from the start of construction to the shutdown.

“We successfully completed the designing of the Shared Research Facility “SKIF”, the unique and technically complex nuclear installation. Quite literally, in the last 30 years nobody in Russia made such mega-science research centers of global significance from scratch. The project was made with the use of cutting-edge technologies, including building information modeling. The architectural treatment of the object was thoroughly worked on taking into account all wishes of the State Customer. So we managed to make “SKIF” not only attractive from the aesthetic point of view but also the most technology-savvy. Indeed, this is a great responsibility and honor to be a part of the world science. At the start of designing SRF “SKIF” we formed a solid team and are ready to participate in designing the sources of synchrotron radiation of next generations”, said Mikhail Tarasov, General Director of AO “TSPTI”.

The affirmative conclusion of Glavgosexpertiza received by AO “TSPTI” would allow proceeding to the next steps of realization of the “SKIF” project – making of engineering documentation and start of main building and consruction works at the capital construction object.

“In parallel with the construction part of the project the equipment of the accelerating complex is being manufactured in Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. Besides, we interact with the leading Russian and international experts to form the research program for “SKIF”. Another important direction is the collaboration with universities that train specialists in the field of accelerating equipment and the users of synchrotron radiation. By the moment when “SKIF” will be built we must be completely ready for the assembly and commissioning works as well as train the qualified specialists”, underlined Eugene Levichev, Director of SRF “SKIF”.

SRF “SKIF” is the mega-science object with the source of synchrotron radiation (SR) of the 4+ generation with the energy of 3 GeV. The unique research complex with the record emittance of 75 pm•rad, the brightest and most intense beam of X-ray radiation, will become a flagman of the cutting-edge research in chemistry, physics, biology, geology, materials science, medicine not only in Russia but on the global scale.

“SKIF” is being constructed within the “Nauka i Universitety” (“Science and Universities”) National Project in Koltsovo (Novosibirsk region) as the first element of the modern Russian network of the sources of synchrotron radiation of new generation. The ambitious project is expanded at the site of 30 hectares, perimeter of the accelerator main ring is 480 m.

Information: The Central Project and Technology Institute (AO “TSPTI”, Moscow) is an integrated company consolidating the designing departments of the enterprises of the “TVEL” fuel company. The main areas of expertise are complex design of objects of atomic industry, conducting of the complex engineering and radiation examination, development of concepts and projects of shutdown for nuclear and radiation hazardous objects, design, production and delivering of non-standard technological equipment.

Aleksandra Malygina, “SKIF” press-service

Image: АО "TSPTI"  

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