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Memorial Room of Academician Kirill I. Zamaraev


The Memorial Room of Academician Kirill I. Zamaraev, the Director of the Institute of Catalysis from 1984 through 1995, was opened on the 20th of May 1999, the day of 60th anniversary of K. Zamaraev. Establishment of the Memorial Room was promoted by the International Charitable Zamaraev Foundation and directly participated by his widow, Lyudmila Zamaraeva. This small museum exposition relates to the life and activities of Academician Kirill Ilyich Zamaraev, who was a hereditary scientist.

Diplomas, awards, photo archives and belongings of Kirill Ilyich are displayed in showcases. A unique scientific book collection gathered by him is also available here.

Kirill demonstrated his brilliant potentialities in sciences as early as his school years. He finished school as the Golden Medal winner; the medal is also stored in the Museum. He continued his education in the Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology in Moscow, but after the third year moved to the Moscow Physical and Technological Institute (MPTI) in order to get a strong background in chemical physics. In the Museum, there are laboratory registries of post-graduate student Kirill Zamaraev and EPR spectra recorded by him during his post-graduate years.

The Moscow period (1956-1976) of his life and work is illustrated by the photo expositions: here is Kirill Zamaraev as a junior, then a senior researcher at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences; he heads a laboratory and, at the same time, he is an assistant professor in MPTI.

In the Laboratory of Dehydrogenation with R.A. Buyanov and G.K. Boreskov, 1978.

Early in 1977 Kirill Ilyich was invited by Academician G.K.Boreskov; with his family and a team of young MPTI graduates, he moved to Novosibirsk. Owing to the activity of Kirill Zamaraev and his colleagues, investigations of mechanisms of catalytic reactions at the atomic and molecular levels were considerably extended and intensified in the Institute of Catalysis. He combined his vast research and management activity with teaching in the Novosibirsk State University.

The decade from mid-1980’s to mid-1990’s was the time of international recognition of his scientific achievements. The exhibition demonstrates his state awards, honorary medals of the USSR Academy of Sciences, as well as the certificate of full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He became a foreign member of Indian and Korean Academies of Sciences, awarded the Silver Medal by the Royal Chemical Society as an “Outstanding Lecturer of the Century”, and was elected a member of Academy of Europe. In 1994 K.I. Zamaraev became a President of IUPAC, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, and in 1995 was honored with the German prestigious Karpinski Award for Russian Scientists. There are diplomas and medals, as well as a number of photos of that time in the Museum.

St. Petersburg, October 1995. The presentation of A.P. Karpinskii Prize.

Everyone, who knew personally Kirill Ilyich, remember his exceptional ability not to loose courage at any, even very severe, circumstances. He had a really iron character, and it was not without vain that the sport he went in for was mountaineering.

A smiling, talented, brilliant and courageous man appears before visitors to the Memorial Room.

Memorial Room of Academician Kirill I. Zamaraev



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